"How can they possibly beat such a powerful and entrenched system?!?"
Most people rightly observe that the Occupy movement has a huge a task ahead, but again, everyone I know who is actively following Occupy is energised by the challenge. In this post, I will explore some more unique aspects of Occupy that are helping it to succeed.
As a sometimes computer nerd, I adore Alexis's REST API analogy. It really helped to drive home an idea that has been nagging at me for a while.
Occupy Wall Street is not a movement. It is a meta-movement.For my non-computer nerd friends who were completely lost by the article or by that last comment, I apologise. Put simply, this nerd-speak means that what the mainstream media tries to portray as a weakness is actually Occupy's greatest strength!
Yes, everything you hear is true. Occupy Wall Street is not a protest about anything specific.
Occupy Wall Street is a model for a protest.